Monday 29 September 2014

Jordan Subban's First NHL Goal Leads To Racism

Jordan Subban scored his first NHL goal in an exhibition game against san José. Jordan just started playing with the Vancouver Canucks when he got his first goal. A photographer captured a picture of him and his team mates celebrating this big moment in his life when the photographer put in the paper the picture and a caption talking about the picture and in bracket "(The black guy in the middle)"   

I think a lot of people are thinking that hockey always use to be a Canadian sport and that now bringing Jordan Subban and P.K Subban into the NHL. I personally don't think that bringing a guy who is good at hockey into the NHL should not matter what color they are as long as they are good they should be able to be in the NHL playing with other people we are all humans. Jordan is a good hockey player so he deserves to be playing with Vancouver because they need him on the team if they are wanting to go to the playoffs. Jordan can probably play better hockey then some of the other people that play for Vancouver.

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